4B is a universal set of administration tools for every type of business.
Whether you want to keep your customer data organized, send or print invoices directly from anywhere in the world or want to have an overview of your income and expenses, 4B can assist you in keeping your business administration organized with the touch of a button.
In this portal you are able to test all the current functionalities of the system, directly report any problems you may encounter and suggest new features. Feel free to Register for an account and start using our tools.
Please note that the base system is currently functional and that using the system can result to actual invoices being sent to your customers. therefore we suggest you enter your own email when creating a new customer and, when everything on the invoice seems correct, forward it to your customer. The Graphical interface is also under development, the current interface may not reflect the final product. This system is currently under development. BETA Testing period has started has a lot of features to aid you in running your business. Find out what can do for you now...
In this section you will find an overview of all updates of the BETA System...